Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween and Recovery

Happy Halloween! This is my favorite holiday. I love seeing the little kids in their costumes. I take the day off of work so I don't miss any of them. This year I didn't have my first Trick'r'Treater until after 4:00 PM! It was one little girl with her mother. She said they were they only ones out then. They really didn't start coming until around 5:00 PM this year. Some old neighbors came back into the neighborhood. They are Mexican and came with a van of other kids. We usually have them coming from other neighborhoods since it is not safe for them to go around their own areas. The second van just left. It was good seeing them again.

Why is it that you don't realize how sick you are until you start to feel better? My older nephew is getting married in December (he is way to young, but more on that later) and my cousin B and I are giving a shower this Saturday. I am making the favors. It is not much, just scented hand sanitizer. I went back to work on Monday and by the end of the day I was exhausted, but wanted to get everything picked up and vote. I managed to get the favors, Halloween candy, and lunch for the rest of the week. I just couldn't do any more, so on Tuesday I went to vote and pick up the bags and ribbon for the favors. I still have to get the shower card. I can do that after my chiropractor appointment since I am going to the mall to have my nails done. These are things that I used to be able to do in one night. I am sure that I will be back to normal soon.

I have given up getting anything done around the house this week. Once I get my nails done, I don't do anything to ruin them for a couple of days and I do want them to look good for the shower.

There's always next week.

I don't see any more kids around, but I will keep everything out for another half hour and then close up for the night. I will have some candy left over to take to work. Spoke to soon, just got a group of teenage boys. I don't mind the older kids coming. When I was in 7th grade I had a friend over on Halloween since it was a Friday. My cousin, who was in 5th grade, wanted to go Trick'r'Treating. We were just going to go to the door with her and not actually participate. We were given candy at the first two houses and asked were our costumes were. We went back to my house to put some makeup on and went back out. The next house we went to the guy said we were to old to be Trick'rTreating. You just can't win sometimes. Well I wrote for the full half hour and now have everything locked up.

My thoughts and prayers do go out to all the people on the east coast. I can't imagine what they are going through. The longest I was without electricity was 20 hours. I was able to shower before it went out and drive to work, once the lightening stopped. I was smart enough not to try to open the garage door with the metal on it when it was lightening. I went to KFC and got dinner for my neighbors and myself. I was not stuck in my house with no way out.

Good night.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


OK, I did not get anything accomplished last week. My excuse was that I was sick. After the eye doctor appointment on Tuesday, I got an awful pain on my right side. I thought I was getting a bladder infection. I had one a couple of years ago and it started in the same way, with a pain on my side. This did not feel exactly the same in that I wasn't running to the bathroom and just dripping out and walking made it feel better. I was up wandering around the house at 3:15 in the morning. At that stage I knew I wouldn't make it to work. I was having a strange, stabbing pain in my abdomen for three days and a lot of time in the bathroom. Anyway I do feel better today. Back to work tomorrow.

I have my list of things to do tomorrow. Voting and shopping are on the top of the list. I do love early voting. At least I don't have to wonder were to go in a large gym as they have a bunch of different precincts in one place and even the people running it don't know were the correct precinct is. This way I will go into one room and just concentrate on voting.

It is after 10:30 and I have to get to bed so I will let you know what I accomplish tomorrow.

Good Night!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Life Back to Normal

Since the beginning of September I have been working many hours and neglecting both myself and the house. Every room in my house is dirty and I know that my next doctor appointment on November 8th will not be good. My A1C will be high. I will have to convince my doctor again that I should not go on more medication and still try to do this by eating better. This year I am not buying the Halloween candy until closer to Halloween, so I won't be tempted to eat it and bring it into work on Thursday. I will be taking Halloween off as usual.  I have been doing this for many years now. I also have to start cooking dinner and bringing my lunch to work. I need to go grocery shopping once a week after checking to see what I need and not just walking through the store picking up things randomly. Also need to drink more water.

The house needs some major TLC. Yesterday and today was a little more normal than the past few weeks. I washed and dried the towels on Saturday. When my mother was alive I also did her laundry on Saturday. Today I did all my wash and am running the dishwasher. The towels are sitting in the basket to be folded and my laundry is in the dryer and the rest hanging to dry. I also have everything ready to balance my check book and pay my bills. This is what I used to do on the weekends and it makes me feel like I am getting some control back over my life.

I need to do something every evening when I come in from work so I can do some major cleaning on the weekend. This includes going through the mail that is stacking up on the buffet and the kitchen table.

Once I feel that the house is more under control I can start exercising.

I am going to have to see how this all works out. Hopefully I will keep up this blog to track my progress.