Sunday, October 21, 2012

Life Back to Normal

Since the beginning of September I have been working many hours and neglecting both myself and the house. Every room in my house is dirty and I know that my next doctor appointment on November 8th will not be good. My A1C will be high. I will have to convince my doctor again that I should not go on more medication and still try to do this by eating better. This year I am not buying the Halloween candy until closer to Halloween, so I won't be tempted to eat it and bring it into work on Thursday. I will be taking Halloween off as usual.  I have been doing this for many years now. I also have to start cooking dinner and bringing my lunch to work. I need to go grocery shopping once a week after checking to see what I need and not just walking through the store picking up things randomly. Also need to drink more water.

The house needs some major TLC. Yesterday and today was a little more normal than the past few weeks. I washed and dried the towels on Saturday. When my mother was alive I also did her laundry on Saturday. Today I did all my wash and am running the dishwasher. The towels are sitting in the basket to be folded and my laundry is in the dryer and the rest hanging to dry. I also have everything ready to balance my check book and pay my bills. This is what I used to do on the weekends and it makes me feel like I am getting some control back over my life.

I need to do something every evening when I come in from work so I can do some major cleaning on the weekend. This includes going through the mail that is stacking up on the buffet and the kitchen table.

Once I feel that the house is more under control I can start exercising.

I am going to have to see how this all works out. Hopefully I will keep up this blog to track my progress.

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