Sunday, November 1, 2009


OK, I have not been here for a long time. My original computer is still being worked on. It seems it needs more memory. I don't know how long it takes to find memory for a computer, but from June to now seems to long. I will have to send an e-mail tomorrow to see what the problem is. In the meantime, I will have to continue to plug away on this laptop that drives me crazy. I miss my number key pad and the fact that when I roll over something it doesn't automatically pop up or the page disappear.

Anyway, there have been some changes since my last post. Back then I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. For years I have been taking care of someone. It started with my nephews. When my brother joined the fire department and my sister-in-law worked on Saturday, I took care of the boys. Even when my brother didn't work, I was at a game or doing something with them. Then in September, 2006, my mother collapsed in the bathroom. I took care of her until her death March 1, 2009. When she died my older nephew was 19 and driving (he was even driving me places) and the younger one was a sophomore in high school, hardly wanting to hang with his Aunt Mary!

People kept making suggestions that I thought about, but then just let them slide. Well, I finally decided to join my neighbor and a fellow co-worker in a weight loss club. I mainly did that because they went out to dinner afterwards. It is something to do. Since joining, I am 1 1/2 lbs up. It really doesn't seem to be working, but I am enjoying my dinners out once a week!

The other thing I have been doing for the past four months is going to the cemetery to see my mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, and aunt. It was funny, a short while before my mother died, she said that I should go out there since I had not been for years. Little did I know that I would be going to see her. I don't go every week, but lately I have been out there more than usual. A couple of weeks ago, my aunt came in because her brother, my uncle, was going to have surgery. I asked her if she wanted to go out since the cemetery is close to the hospital. She was agreeable, so off we went. At that time, I had not been able to find my uncle (her other brother) and aunt. Since it was cold and raining we decided just to visit the ones we knew we could find. She asked me if I brought flowers out, so of course, I felt bad, because I didn't do that. Last weekend I thought it would be the last good weekend weather wise, so out I went to buy flowers and I even stopped and ordered the date of death to be put on the tombstone. I put the flowers on my mother and father's graves. I took two out and put one on my grandparents grave. I then took up the search for my uncle and aunt again. I had asked at the office and they sent me in the opposite direction. Then I was told they are buried near my grandparents under a tree branch. Well, I finally did find them. The tree is now cut down and they are near a stump. I find everyone by counting the rows from my parent's grave. It is a lot easier and I don't have to worry about trees being cut down.

This Sunday in the Catholic religion is All Souls Day. We celebrate that life of all the people who have died. The cemetery had an open house. The first time I ever heard of this. It was funny seeing the signs inviting people to come. Who exactly was the host? The dead? It got creepier the more I thought about it. I did go and found that the flowers are still on all the graves. My parent's have a standing stone, but my grandparents and uncle and aunt have flat stones, but they hadn't blown away or been stepped on. I was able to talk to this man who told me were my father's side of the family were buried. They are in the cemetery across the street, so the next time I will be able to visit them. There was also a short prayer service that started at 1:00 PM. It lasted only 20 minutes, but people were coming in just as they were rapping up and there was no second show. I really don't know if they found out about it at the last minute or if they just thought that everyone was going to wait for them. Anyway, I am glad I got there on time and was able to participate. It might be the last time I get out there this year. I am a fair weather outdoors type.

Anyway, that is what I have been up to and hopefully it won't be so long between posts.


1 comment:

  1. Hello. Sorry the computer is giving you fits. I have to use a keyboard and mouse that I plug into the USB thingy on the laptop. I HATE typing on the laptop.

    Which cemetary are you visiting?

    And I am glad you're getting out. I hope you have dessert first once in a while!
