Sunday, September 26, 2010

San Antonio

I just got back from San Antonio. The association I work for had their annual conference there last week. As usual, there were some glitches, but nothing major. We got everyone registered and they seemed happy to be at the conference. I got to see some old friends and meet some new ones. The members are from the medical community and are really great to work for. The worse part for me was I got a blister on my little toe. Being diabetic, I do have to keep an eye on it, but it is already getting better.

On the bright side, before I left I tried on a pair of pants that barely fit. When I put them on Wednesday, they fit. Oh, I still looked fat in them, but they zipped and buttoned up without my laying on the bed. That was a real good thing because the bed was supper comfy and I was up early and working late every day.

San Antonio is famous for its very large crickets. Of course there was one in my room. I was getting ready for bed when I saw something crawling along the floor. After eliminating centipede and cockroach, I figured out it was a cricket. So there I was in my pj's trying to figure out how to get it out of my room. I finally decided to put my robe on and grab a piece of cardboard and shove it out. I got it headed for the door, but pushed it back against the wall since it was too big to go under the door. I got it around the door and then shoved it out shouting "get out, get out." I shut the door as soon as it was out and prayed that no one on the floor was calling security on me. Thank God, they didn't and I was able to sleep without hearing a cricket all night.

People in San Antonio are use to them. I even heard of one man eating and having a cricket fall on his sandwich. He picked it up, threw it on the ground and proceeded to eat his sandwich. Supper yucky!

My room was on the 14th floor of the Hilton on the Riverwalk. It was very muggy, but I was able to sit on the balcony and there was a beautiful breeze. No mosquitoes or moths. I don't know how they keep them away, but I was grateful.

Had a lot of Mexican food, but not a lot of barbecue. The next time. I do plan on going back. Just have to stop spending money and get my new windows and do some more things around the house. It looks like it may be awhile before I get back.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a good conference trip. I was in San Antonio in 2007 and had a really good time.

    Keep an eye on that toe.
