Monday, March 21, 2011

Becoming Directionless

OK, they gave us the go ahead to spill the beans at work. Our Executive Director has resigned. It seems to have been a mutual decision, but we will all miss him. He has brought our association a long way. When other places were laying off during the recession, we were told that we were going to tighten our belts and ride it out. We did not have to lay anyone off and the positions that did become vacant were filled instead of just overloading everyone else. There were even a few new positions created. My hat is off to D (not the same D I walk with) for a job well done.

To those of you who knew me at my last job, no I did not drive him out. At this job I have only had two managers, the second one was promoted to director, and two executive directors and I will be there eight years in April. So take that, former job!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe it's been 8 years! And I don't believe for one moment that you drive people away. Your soon to be former Executive Director sounds like a great guy and very good leader.
